The Blog Is Back Print
Written by Chris Tiegreen   
Friday, 28 August 2009 00:00

Maybe you've noticed that this blog has been stagnant for a while. Or maybe you quit noticing because . . . well, because it has been stagnant for a while. Though a combination of other projects and staff limitations temporarily forced the blog to the back-burner, it's time to bring it back. So check this space for at-least-weekly-if-not-more-frequent posts. I'll try to do a better job of keeping it current this time.

One of the topics I want to cover with some frequency is the issue of trust. I've noticed in myself and quite a few other people that God really seems to be dealing with our trust issues right now, almost as though it's a theme He's especially emphasizing in these times. Deep down inside, most human beings have a sneaking suspicion that God is holding out on them — that though we know He is good, we don't trust that His good gifts will actually be the ones we want or the ones that meet our deepest needs. Have you noticed this tendency in your own heart? Keep an eye out for it — it's the same subtle deception that a serpent first uttered in a garden long ago. Know that no matter how things look, God is on your side. Always. Ask Him to show you that He is and see what He does. There is no problem, no situation, that you can't trust Him with completely.