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I Tweet, Therefore I Am PDF Print E-mail
Written by Chris Tiegreen   
Monday, 24 June 2013 13:00

It’s always a little awkward when you have to promote your own work. All kinds of questions come to the surface, especially about motives. Am I, like all other affirmation junkies on the planet, just looking for another fix? Or is this a legitimate effort to increase influence and impact? Am I trying to build a personal kingdom or contributing to the lasting one? And even if you answer those questions for yourself, you can’t answer them for anyone else out there. What if people perceive me as “all about me”?

You hardly exist as an author today if you don’t have a web site and blog, tweet, and Facebook a lot, so this is a real dilemma for low-key introverts who don’t naturally insert themselves into public conversations—and who scrutinize themselves with the above questions. So I had mixed feelings when the Chris Tiegreen site finally went live last week. Regardless of my comfort zone, however, truth isn’t meant to be secret. Kingdom discussions should involve all of us and be frequent, full, and fruitful. And for me, participating in those discussions involves putting my books in front of people. So be it.

But enough about me. (Well, for now.) Let’s talk about you for a moment because this issue is bigger than books and web sites. Like me and everyone else, you have a message and a mission. Your gifts, perspectives, and passions are needed in the ongoing conversation about life and truth and purpose. You are designed to offer your glory to those around you. (Yes, you have glory. More on that in another post.) Few people realize how vital they are to the larger story because they only see their own circle of influence. But your circle of influence longs for a demonstration of life, meaning, and destiny. Whether they know it or not, people are looking for some aspect of the image of God in you.

The world needs what God has put within you. It doesn’t have to be on a web site or social media, but it does need to be somewhere. And you need to offer it unapologetically. Even if it seems a little awkward.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 25 June 2013 12:24


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